Looking for a quick recap of Linux commands? Then this write-up is for you. In this write-up, I’ll share a walk through of 30 popular commands that every Linux user should know.
1.pwd — It finds the current directory
2. man — It displays user manual
3. cd — It changes the current directory
4. ls — It shows files and folders of a directory
5. cat — It reads and displays the content of files
6. mkdir — It creates new directories
7. touch — It creates new file without content
8. echo — It displays a line
9. rm — It removes files/directories
10. rmdir — It deletes empty directories
11. wget — It downloads applications from the web
12. mv — It renames a file/directory; moves file/directory to another location
13. cp — copies files/directories from 1 place to another
14. locate — helps locate a file
15. find — searches files and directories
16. grep — searches through all the text in a file
17. sudo — “SuperUser Do” gives admin/root permissions
18. df — gives reports on your system’s disk usage
19. du — “Disk Usage” shows the disk space used
20. head — Shows the first 10 lines of a text file
21. tail — Shows the last 10 lines
22. diff — “Difference” gives a line by line comparison of two text files
23. tar — Archives files into a tarball
24. chmod — Changes read/write/execute permissions of files/directories
25. kill — Manually terminates unresponsive program
26. chown — Changes ownership of a file
27. ping — Shows status of your server’s connectivity
28. uname -”Unix Name” shows info about system
29. top — Displays a list of running processes
30. hostname -Shows the name of host/n/w